Fernando Halfeld practices Jiu Jitsu since 9 years old. He was attracted by the efficiency of the skills he learned with this martial art and the difference that it makes in people’s lives. For him, the Jiu Jitsu represents a way to develop the fighter that exists within each one of us.
“No one should quit on themselves, everyone should fight for what they believe and love.”
In 2015, Halfeld moved to the USA, after applying for an athletic VISA. He competed around the country, representing the Brazilian Top Team (BTT), and won several titles, including third place at the World Championship.
It was only a matter of time until he fell in love with Texas and discovered he would never want to leave Lake Jackson. In August 2015, he took over his friend’s school and put all his effort into it, building a big project. Today, SoJ represents the world-renowned BTT in Brazoria County.
“Since then, we have conquered many Jiu Jitsu titles. But, most importantly, we became part of Brazoria’s County community. Now we are able to have a positive effect and make a difference in all these people’s lives.”
First place at South American Championship
Third place at World Championship
2 times Third place at Brazilian Nationals
2 times Second place at Brazilian Nationals Team